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Enterprise and Entrepreneurship – Avalon case study


Enterprise and Entrepreneurship – Avalon case study

Word count – 4320


You are a business development consultant and you have been commissioned by a client to complete the following tasks in relation to the case study provided on the module page. You MUST use the case study on the module page (see Case Study Tab) for this assessment; no other companies or case studies can be used. Each task should be clearly documented in a report format that is of a professional standard.

1. Complete a customer journey map for the company. Your customer journey map should be supported with an explanation of the customer persona, the scope of the map and any areas you have identified for potential improvement in the customer experience.

2. The company wants to create a new product in order to appeal to a new market segment whilst maintaining its reputation. What should they consider in terms of intellectual property and risk and how should these be managed?

3. The company is keen to know how they can use data analytics to improve customer acquisition; this could include relevant data analysis tools that the company could utilize.

Additional information

Table of contents

1.0 Introduction
1.1 Type of organization
1.2 Size of organization
1.3 Type of products
1.4 Customer base
1.5 Competitor analysis
1.6 Current market position
Task 01
2.0 Customer journey
2.1 Customer persona
2.2 Customer journey map
Task 02
3.0 Innovation
3.1 New product development
3.2 New customer segmentation
3.3 Intellectual property risk
Task 3
4.0 Data analytics for customer acquisition
5.0 Recommendation


1.0 Introduction

The key objective of this report is that extensively evaluate business development opportunities for Avalon guitars by identifying key industry trends. As a business consultant, key elements are focused in this report. At first, this report presents customer journey map of the Avalon guitars and customer persona. This study will identify possible areas need to be improved in the customer experience based on customer journey map and customer persona. Then, considering new market condition, this study recommend to introduce new product in order to appeal new market segment and advice to manage intellectual right risks. Further, this study analyze how to use data analytics to improve customer acquisition and data analytics tools that company need to use.

1.1 Type of organization

Even though, Avalon guitar is a manufacturing company, its operation deviate from the traditional manufacturing company. As custom handmade guitar manufacturer, Avalon have some similar characteristics of Service Company since it make customized guitars based on customers’ specific requirements.

1.2 Size of organization

Considering market, Avalon can be considered as medium size company which focus on niche market. Company only produce 1200 guitars per year. This is very tiny market share considering global market. Market size of global guitar market is £ 3.3billion. However, market of Avalon is only £ 1 million per year.

1.3 Type of products

Considering competitors’ products, Avalon guitars can be considered as premium products. Brands such as Americano, Arc, Pioneer, Anthem, Ard Ri and fusion are considered as premium brands by guitar players and music lovers. Further, products mainly focus on niche market which prefer handcrafted guitars. Price range of Avalon which is in between $ 4000 to $10000, which clearly target upper end market.

1.4 Customer base
This is a B2C business and current customer base of the company is not a wide range. Below characteristics can be identified in customer base.