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Report and Business Plan – Asiri Hospitals and Sri Lankan Healthcare Sector


Report and Business Plan – Asiri Hospitals and Sri Lankan Healthcare sector

Word Count 3130


Perform a force field analysis for your chosen organisation and analyse this. You are required to present your findings in a report and business plan
The following requirements need to be addressed when preparing the report and business plan:
• The significance of external and internal environmental analysis.
• How competitively relevant strengths and weaknesses can be used to suggest appropriate strategic actions within a chosen Health and Social Care context.
• Policy solutions in relation to one aspect of health and social care.
• Justification of the best strategic choice after strategic analysis to implement strategy
• A Business plan based on a current market situation in relation to the best strategic choice that is suitable for a Health and Social Care organization.
• Recommendations for improvement.
• Examination of national and international socio-political issues in the promotion of public health.
• Analysis of the role of health promotion in determining health care service demand in a national setting.
• Evaluation of the impact of international campaigns and national policies on the demand for healthcare.

Additional information

Table of Contents

Background of the Organization
The significance of external and internal environmental analysis
Strategic actions suitable for the current business context
Policy solutions for health and social care
Best strategic choice to implement strategy
Summarized business plan
Recommendations for improvement
National and international socio-political issues in the promotion of public health
The role of health promotion in determining health care service demand
The impact of international campaigns and national policies on the demand for healthcare


Background of the Organization
The selected organization for this report is the Asiri Hospitals PLC. Asiri Hospital Holdings PLC is the largest private healthcare provider in Sri Lanka. With seven fully pledged hospitals scattered in three provinces and more than 70 lab testing centers island wide, Asiri Hospitals have been able to maintain their market leadership in the industry. Established in 1986 just with a single care center, the group has evolved where it has over 800 beds across, with more than 3000 consultation and 14,000 tests conducted daily. With a commitment towards quality and safety, their vision is “To be a leading healthcare provider in South Asia with highest quality of clinical standards”. (Asiri Hospitals, 2022). The hospital’s financial highlights for 2022 is as follows,

The significance of external and internal environmental analysis
Any business will operate in an environment which it will serve their customers and build its market share. The business should have a proper idea on this environment which they operate in, in order to make sure that they are able to retain in the business by satisfying their customer needs and maximizing their profits while facing the competition. Thus, a good external and internal environment analysis will help the organization to analyze the situation and take actions on the points noted.
The best method to analyze the external environment will be the PESTLE analysis.