Legal aspects of public administration – Sri Lanka


Legal aspects of public administration – Sri Lanka 

Word count 1513


1.0 Introduction
2.0 Good governance practices of Sri Lanka.
2.1 19th amendment.
2.2 The right to information act.
2.3 Implementing mechanism such as COPE.
3.0 Further improvements.

Additional information


1.0 Introduction
Good governance can be simply defined, as the exercise of political, economic and administrative authority to manage a nation’s affair. The United Nations Development Programs (UNDP) define good governance more or less as above, but emphasize sustainable human development (Daily News, 2019). This includes public administration and relationship and mechanism of improve relationship between government and citizen. UNDP recognize eight characteristic such as rule of law, participation, transparency, equity, consensus orientation, effectiveness and efficiency, responsiveness and accountability (Daily News, 2019). Good governance is widely discussed concept in Sri Lanka especially after end of the civil war. Good governance became one of main topic of elections in early 90s and especially in 2015. It is still debatable whether Sri Lankan governments put genuine effort to establish good governance. However, some positive approaches have been taken via constitutional amendments and acts to establish good governance.