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Business plan for small scale luxury resort


Business plan for small scale luxury resort.

Word count 4358


Executive summary
1.0 Mission Statement
2.0 Target market, Market size and growth
3.0 Identified customers’ needs
4.0 SWOT analysis
5.0 Key milestones
6.0 Key partners

7.0 Porter’s five forces theory for Knuckles Holiday Resorts
8.0 Strategic plan
9.0 Advertising plan
10. 0 Management team
11.0 Future Plan
12.0 Financial outlook
12.1 Initial investment
12.2 Revenue
12.3 Key ratios

Additional information


Executive summary

Sri Lanka has been identified one of the best tourist destination of the world. After end up the war in 2009, Sri Lanka tourism industry has been grown rapidly and in 2017 tourist arrival of Sri Lanka has been recorded as 2,1 million and it is a 3.2% improvement from 2016. Tourism is the third largest foreign exchange earner of Sri Lanka. Extra ordinary bio diversity, diversified culture, beautiful landscapes have brought competitive advantage to Sri Lanka tourism. Hospitality of Sri Lankan is famous worldwide. Therefore not only large scale hotels even in medium and small scale hotels have great chance to improve their business.
Currently I have a land in Reverston (108 perches). Riveston is one of famous tourist destination of Sri Lanka which is famous mainly for adventure tourism and beautiful landscape. Four room resort bungalow called “Knuckles Holiday Resorts” has been planned to develop targeting foreign and local tourists. This is a small size luxury hotel and specially focus on niche market categories such as tourists who love adventure tourism, families and newly married couples.

1.0 Mission Statement

Mission of the Knuckles Holiday Resort is to create good relationship with our guest and members by providing highly personalized service and gracious hospitality in an informally elegant setting.
Business objectives
Main business objectives of this business are below.
 To achieve more than 90% room occupancy per year within two years.
 To achieve Rs 10 Mn Net profit after two years.
 To maintain customer satisfaction level as highly satisfied.
 Protecting and enhancing our environment by minimizing our waste, water usage and energy