Creativity and Innovation management process of Hemas Holdings


Creativity and Innovation management process of Hemas Holdings

Word Count: 3,230


  • Evaluate current Creative and Innovative Management processes in an organization.
  • Explain how to lead others to positively embrace innovation and change.
  • Assess the influence of vision and mission on generation of Creative and Innovative Management processes in an organization.
  • Use analytical tools to identify potential Creative and Innovative Management ideas.
  • Assess risks and benefits of Creative and Innovative Management ideas.
  • Use change models to support the implementation of Creative and Innovative Management ideas.
  • Produce an appropriate rationale to persuade stakeholders of an organization of the benefits of a Creative and Innovative Management idea.
  • Communicate a Creative and Innovative Management idea to stakeholders of an organization.
  • Establish key goals and priorities for implementation of a Creative and Innovative Management idea using feedback from stakeholders.
  • Assess the barriers to the implementation of a Creative and Innovative Management idea in an organization.
  • Plan a strategy to overcome identified barriers to the implementation of a Creative and Innovative Management idea in an organization.

Additional information

Table of contents

Table of Contents

Executive summary
1. Introduction
2.1 Current creative and innovative management processes in an organization
2.1.1 The organizational climate
2.1.2 Current performance
3.1 The influence of vison and mission on generation of creative and innovation management processes in an organization
3.2 Analytical tools to identify the potential creative and innovation management ideas.
3.3 Risks and benefits of creative and innovation management idea.
3.3.1 Benefits of innovation
3.3.2 Risks of innovation
3.4 Change models for implementation of creativity and innovation management ideas.
4.1 Persuade stakeholders of an organization of the benefits of a Creative and Innovative Management idea
4.2 Communicate a Creative and Innovative Management idea to stakeholders of an organization
4.3 Establish key goals and priorities for implementation of a Creative and Innovative Management idea using feedback from stakeholders
5.1 Barriers to the implementation of a Creative and Innovative Management idea in an organization
5.2 Strategy to overcome identified barriers to the implementation of a Creative and Innovative Management idea in an organization and how it ensure innovation change is achieved.
5.3 Communicate a strategy plan for overcoming barriers to relevant stakeholders in an organization
6. Conclusion


Executive summary

Now creativity and innovation has become new trend of the business. Any creativity or innovation in organisations leads to growth and achieve success in the industry. Today employees are more empowered to think freely and implement new ideas and thoughts that benefit the organisation. Herewith discuss the creativity and innovation techniques which suit for Hemas Holding PLC.

1. Introduction

Currently, all the main companies use innovation to adopt to current business environment. Due to organizational changes including globalization and the supply of ideas at much faster speed and lower costs, organizations are now facing many challenges and constant innovation is only option to sustain in the industry. Therefore many companies even in Sri Lanka give priority to innovation. Hemas Holding PLC is one of main company in Sri Lanka which operate in various sectors and try to use innovation to achieve the competitive advantage.
Hemas Holding PLC is prominent conglomerates in Sri Lanka which is operating in FMCG, Pharmaceutical, Healthcare, Leisure and logistics sectors. Hemas Holdings consolidated revenue is Rs 43 billion in 2016/17 financial year. Hemas mission is passionately deliver outstanding products and services thus enriching the lives of customers and creating superior value to shareholders. This report will comprehensively discuss the commitment for innovation of the Hemas Holdings and pros and cons of whole process. Hemas head office form a separate department since 2016.
There can be identified four dimension of innovation as product, process, position and paradigm. (Diasz, 2017) Hemas has operated long time in Sri Lankan market and mainly their innovation effort was introduce new products time to time.

2.1 Current creative and innovative management processes in an organization.

Hemas operates in various sectors such as FMCG, pharmaceuticals, healthcare, leisure and logistics sectors since Hemas has room to try innovation in every dimensions. Innovation audit need to be performed to analysis the current creative and innovation management process of the organization. Innovation audit should be focused on three aspects of the organization (Diasz, 2017).