Integrated marketing communication- Media strategy Samsung Galaxy S10e


Integrated marketing communication- Media strategy Samsung Galaxy S10e

Word count 4701


Media objective
Media Strategy
Media tactics
Media Budget

Additional information

Table of Contents

1.0 Media objectives
1.1 Media characteristics
1.1.1 Target audience coverage
1.1.2 Amount of reach
1.1.3 Amount of frequency
1.2.1 To increase the awareness of new product 60% of target market within first six months.
1.2.2 To achieve 50% reach in target audience within first six months through broadcast, print and internet media.
1.2.3 To sell 40 million Samsung Galaxy S10e phones within first six months
2.0 Media Strategy
2.1 Media types
2.1.1 Broadcast media
2.1.2 Print media
2.1.3 Internet media
2.2 Media class
2.2.1 Broadcast media – television
2.2.2 Print media – Magazine
2.2.3 Internet media – Social media
2.3 Media vehicles
2.3.1 ESPN Channel – during football, basketball and cricket seasons
2.3.2 GQ magazine
2.3.3YouTube – Video ad
3.0 Media tactics
3.1 Scheduling
3.1.1 Television
3.1.2 Print media – Magazines
3.1.3 Internet media – social media
3.2 Media tactics execution plan
3.2.1 Broadcast media – television
3.2.2 Print media – Magazine
3.2.3 Internet media – social media
4.0 Media Budget
4.1 Budgeting approach
4.1.1 The objective and task method
4.2 Estimated cost for different media type
4.3 Estimated budget for each media classes


1.0 Media objectives

1.1 Media characteristics

Media planning is significant element of marketing strategy. Media planning objectives are the specific goals, which organization needs the media portions of the IMC plan to achieve (Module 3). Media planning objectives use to identify the ideal combination of media elements to promote the brand. IMC plan need to specify the degree of target audience coverage, the amount of reach and the amount of frequency.

1.1.1 Target audience coverage

This refer that analyze and assess number of target customers which need to be reached marketing message. Samsung need to decide which level company need to cover target audience; full, partial or excessive coverage. Ideally, company need to conduct full market coverage to selected target market. Company can use primary and secondary sources to identify the size of target market for the Samsung Galaxy S10e across different geographic, psychographic and demographic segments. Generally, index number is considered as good indicator to measure the potential of the market (Guolla, Belch, & Belch, 2017). IMC plan to maintain the index higher than 100. Index is calculated as below.
Index = % of users in a demographic segment × 100/ % population in the same segment
(Source: Guolla, Belch, & Belch, 2017)

1.1.2 Amount of reach
Reach can be conformed over any geographical locations, demographic category or a time period. Even though company use different media vehicles to reach different market segments. However, Samsung need to maintain at least 50% of reach of product’s primary target audience of young generation professionals from ages between 18 and 34 throughout the course of year in particular country. The reach can be projected via data of target group such as loyal users and new category users. Reach need to be calculated as below.
Reach = Number of people in target audience exposed to the media vehicle/ Number of people in target audience