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International Business Strategy for Retail Business


International Business Strategy for Retail Business

Word count 3090


Detailed study on the PEST factors.

Justify market entry, exit strategies that can be perused by the organization and potential risks that can be envisaged?

Complete an International Marketing Plan mainly covering the Segmentation, Strategies with the Marketing Mix.

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The main objective of this report is to extensively analyze the international business strategy of “Linen and Life”; Sri Lankan based boutique style clothing brand specialized in linen clothes. The company is established in Sri Lanka and currently try to enter to the United Kingdom market. Company mainly targets on Asian expats living in UK. There are significant number of Asian expats in UK who like linen fashions and also growing trend for linen fashions in European community. Therefore, company expects that UK is the right market for the expansion.
“Linen and Life” was linen women clothing brand which is founded by renowned Sri Lankan designer. Currently, company’s product portfolio have women, men clothing and accessories. Main differentiator of the company is that product are exclusively made by using high quality linen. In Sri Lankan market, brand is popular for comfortable, durable and quality products. The company has goodwill due to commit to ethical sourcing and promoting linen clothes against synthetic products.
Company targets to enter to the UK market which one of the largest markets in Europe. Company aims to use different enter strategies to expand to the new market such as using exiting retailer. However, UK fashion market is completely different to the Sri Lankan market. Fashions depend on culture, taste of the people and also climate of the country. Company need to consider these differences before begins the expansion.
UK is ranked as the 8th easiest country to do business according to ease of doing business index (World bank report,2019). UK is considered as one of the attractive market in the world for the fashion with population of 66 million. Primary target market of market would be Asian expats living in the UK which is more than 4 million of the total population. Further, customers who has special interest for linen clothes are also targeted customer segment. On the other hand, UK is considered as attractive market for business considering economic indicators such as per capita income, GDP etc. Economic infrastructure are also properly developed to facilitate to upcoming businesses.