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Marketing Plan – Lion Ginger Beer


Marketing Plan – Lion Ginger Beer

Word Count 4583


Table of Content

  1. Introduction to Lion Ginger Beer and its Current position in the Market
  2. Situational Analysis.

         2.1 SWOT Analysis.

         2.2 PESTEL Analysis.

         2.3 Key Marketing Issues.

  1. Marketing Objectives.
  2. Market Segmentation.

         4.1 Segmentation.

         4.2 Target Market

         4.3 Positioning.

  1. Marketing Mix Strategy.

          5.1 Product Life Cycle.

          5.2 Product

         5.3 Price.

         5.4 Place.

         5.5 Promotion.

             5.5.1 Digital Marketing Strategy Suggested for Lion Ginger Beer

  1. Promotion Activation Plan.
  2. Marketing Budget
  3. Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s)



Additional information


Executive Summary

In order to sustain in the market for a long period of time organizations have to go with a clear marketing plan which confirms the existence of the product or the brand in the market for a long period of time.
As per the requirement of this assignment, Lion Ginger Beer has been selected as the brand to fulfil the requirement of it. Lion Ginger Beer comes under food and beverage industry and currently there can be seen a little drop in the market due to various issues in their current strategy and this assignment address those issues.
Firstly, carried out a critical analysis on the internal and external environment of the organization by using SWOT and PESTEL Analysis. And then identified the key marketing issues related to Lion Ginger Beer from the findings of the internal and external analysis.
Then set new objectives for the next two years and market segmentation has been carried out as well as a new positioning strategy was recommended for Lion Ginger Beer. And also suggested a new marketing mix strategy (Product, Price, Place and Promotion strategy) to overcome identified issues and to achieve the objectives for the next two years. In the promotion strategy it has been suggested a new digital marketing strategy for Lion Ginger Beer.
Finally presented the activation plan of the suggested promotional activities and the marketing budget for the next two years. The last section of this assignment set key performance indicators with the help of balance score card in order to measure the performance of the recommended marketing strategies since it is really important in achieving objectives at the end of two years. 

1.0 Introduction to Lion Ginger Beer and its Current position in the Market

Lion Ginger Beer is introduced to the Sri Lankan market by Coca-Cola Company. Coca- Cola is a world popular beverage provider in Sri Lanka as well as in the world and it was started in 1886. Now it is celebrating more than 130 years and after origination of Coca-Cola. They have introduced number of brands and more than 3500 product variants including ginger beer, 17 billion dollar brands in more than 200 countries within these 130 years.
In here, Ginger beer is a drink which is naturally sweetened carbonated and non-alcoholic. Adults as well as younger generation and children in the world keeping tough with the taste of ginger. When consider about the ginger beer world market, there are number of ginger beer brands such as Regatta Ginger Beer, Maine Root Ginger Beer, Fever Three Ginger Beer, Bruce Cost Ale and etc. In Sri Lankan context, there can be seen Elephant House Ginger Beer and Ole Ginger Beer other than Lion Ginger Beer. And Lion Ginger Beer is not expanded like other products of Coca Cola in Sri Lankan Market. And the awareness of the people about Lion Ginger Beer is very low. Elephant House Ginger Beer is the market leader while market challenger and follower become Ole Ginger Beer and Lion Ginger Beer respectively although Coca Cola is the market leader in beer market. Market follower is a firm which desire to follow and imitate the market leader in the market place without being a challenger for their process by obtaining the opportunity which created by market leader (ICASL, 2008). In order to that, Lion Ginger Beer is being silent in the market place by avoiding those risks of market.
The next part of this assignment will analyze the current situation of Lion Ginger Beer and will suggest new marketing plan for the next two years.

2. Situational Analysis
According to the ICASL (2015) definition, Situational analysis is simply an analysis of the results of environmental scanning and review of resources and competences to identify areas in which the organization is strong and weak as well as the main threats and opportunities coming from the external environment.
Therefore this section of the assignment will discuss about the organization’s internal environmental scanning, external environmental scanning.