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Quality in Health and Social Care – Sri Lanka


Quality in Health and Social Care


Prepare a presentation, in which you explain ways quality can be evaluated, measured and
maintained in Health and Social Care and the contribution of stakeholders, external agencies
and service users. You will provide speaker notes at the end of the session and include an
executive summary to support the presentation.
The following points need to be addressed when preparing the presentation:
• Explain stakeholder roles in relation to quality and standards in Health and Social Care
• Explore the role of external agencies in setting and maintaining standards.
• Evaluate the impact of poor quality and standards on health and social care.
• Analyse methods for evaluating Health and Social Care quality of service provision.
• Explain ways in which quality can be measured in health and social care.
• Evaluate approaches to implementing quality systems
• Analyse barriers to delivery of quality Health and Social Care services.

Delivery and submission:
• 1x 15 minute Presentation file with references
• 1x set of speaker notes supporting each slide – 500 words

Additional information

Table of Contents

Importance of Quality in Social & Health Care
Stakeholder Roles
Role of External Agencies
Sri Lankan Regulator
Impact of Poor Quality in Health and Social Care
Quality of Care
Quality Measurement Framework
Measuring Quality in Health and Social Care
Implementing Quality Health and Social Care
Barriers for a Quality Health and Social Care


Importance of Quality in Social & Health Care

Unlike in other industries, the Social & Health Care industry directly deals with Human Life.
Thus, having quality controls in all aspects of services will be vital in saving the human life.
A quality and equal social and healthcare system will ensure that all people – regardless of their individual characteristics are provided equal opportunities at their health and social care needs.
Advantages of a quality health & social care system
Safety – A quality health care system ensures the safety of the patients.
Effective & Efficient – A quality healthcare system enables an effective and efficient curing/preventing system.
Proactive – Under a quality healthcare system, disease prevention will be focused rather than curing after the disease is spread
Cost-effective – Improved quality will ensure high efficiency and productivity which will be cost effective.
Patient-focused – A quality health care system will be built around the patient, providing the best care available for them.

Stakeholder Roles

Stakeholders are the people or organizations who have an interest towards the business. Different stakeholders will have different interests towards the business due to different motives they have, and they will be impacted differently due to various decisions made by the company.
Quality and standards are prime needs in providing a healthcare services. The reason behind that is, unlike other services, the healthcare services will involve human life matters. Thus, the service providers should be more concerned on their practices of quality and standards.
Having a set of active stakeholders in the healthcare sector will be important since they will contribute positively for the evolution and updating of the healthcare systems.
Stakeholder communication and involvement will benefit the healthcare organizations in many areas including, healthcare institutions, research teams, social wellbeing, public health and anything else that associates with the healthcare sector.
The management of such healthcare organizations should manage their stakeholders well and keep them informed and satisfied to ensure a good and healthy relationship.
In conducting that, the below analysis will be important.