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Virtual project teams


Virtual project teams

Word count 1800


Knowing the need to be inclusive in bringing the remote working team members together as one project team, what types of activities might you suggest to the project manager to make this happen? How would you then go about developing, documenting and implementing the communication and team building strategy? What activities would you have the PM be responsible for? What aspects are better leveraged from the main organization?

Projects distributed or otherwise are hosted through an organization and must report their delivery status and performance to the parent business. In contrast to a ‘local’ project team what reporting aspects are unique to a geographically distributed project? What role will technology play in information collection and report generation?

Select any two issues from those listed in the “Virtual project management suggestions” section in chapter 5 of Meredith, Mantel and Shafer (2014) and describe a personal ‘project management’ experience dealing with each.

Additional information

Table of Contents

Executive summary
1.0 Project Manager’s role and communication
1.1 Project managers’ role to make remote working team members together as one project team
1.2 Developing, documenting and implementing the communications and team building strategy
1.3 Project manager’s responsible
2.0 Reporting aspects of virtual project compare to a ‘local’ project
3.0 Issues of virtual project management
3.1 Lack of trust among team members
3.2 Difficulty to developing team identify


Executive summary

In traditional business environment, there should be effective team to successfully manage the project. However in current dynamic business environment, traditional project team is not enough certain occasions. Because in current situation, virtual projects plays important role in the business mainly due to digitalization. Sometimes there are complete virtual projects but most of the time virtual projects are part of another larger project. Virtual project refer the projects which work on the project team across time, space, organizational and cultural boundaries. Therefore currently management should have virtual management skills to manage these kind of projects. Virtual teams work in different time zone, different geographical location, different organization and culture. Therefore many issues can be raised such as issues of developing trust, developing group identity, sharing information, developing clear structure, understanding information etc. Various communication method have been developed to rectify those issues but further many aspects need to be considered by projects managers to conduct much effective virtual projects. Secondary data such as journal articles and subject related books have been used to conduct this report.

1.0 Project Manager’s role and communication

1.1 Project managers’ role to make remote working team members together as one project team

Leading a virtual team doesn’t not involves only communication complexities but there should be certain project management and team building skills to bring all virtually working team members together.
In the beginning project manager should establish expectation of the project, objectives, timelines and vision. Project overview is highly important especially in virtual projects since fluid communication could be difficult when the team doesn’t share one physical location (Maylor, 2016). Therefore project manager need to highly consider about project overview phase to make team members understand about the project. A proper project overview includes the goals and objective of the project, role and responsibilities of the team members and timelines. Further team manager need to create a vision among team members to create a mental goal for each team member.